Thinking of giving a book for a birthday present or maybe just looking for something to read yourself? Why not give a book? 

Even better, make it a book that’s in line with your advocacy: saving the environment!

Whether it’s for yourself or for someone, there’s sure to be a title in this list that will inspire you to continue leading a more environmentally conscious lifestyle.


1. For the Zero Waste Curious: 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste by Kathryn Kellogg

When you hear the words zero waste, you tend to think of people brandishing glass jars filled with bits and bobs of trash they’ve collected in a year. If you’re new to the movement, this might seem overwhelming.

Thankfully, this book by Kathryn Kellogg shows beginners that going zero waste is possible and that you don’t have to be doing it perfectly, you just have to make better choices. 

101 Ways to Go Zero Waste is filled with practical and doable tips to live with less waste and save money in the process, including making your own beauty products to shopping sustainably. 

2. For the Busy Parent: The Sustainable(ish) Living Guide by Jen Gale

Did you know that British homes pour £68 million in energy bills down the drain each time they overfill kettles?

Jen Gale’s simple but ingenious solution? Use your coffee mug to arrive at exactly the right amount of water to boil. 

The Sustainable(ish) Living Guide is perfect for parents who can’t be bothered to make difficult lifestyle changes but still want to keep an essentially green household.

At the heart of Gale’s philosophy is that each one of us can start living sustainably wherever we are. Living an ‘imperfectly green’ lifestyle is better than not doing anything at all.

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3. For the Fashionista: The Sustainable Fashion Handbook by Sandy Black

Behind its emphasis on aesthetics and beauty, fashion hides an ugly truth: it is one of the most environmentally irresponsible industries on the planet.

Can fashion ever be sustainable? Economics professor and fashion designer Sandy Black’s addresses this question in her internationally acclaimed The Sustainable Fashion Handbook

This ‘definitive guide to the complex issues surrounding modern clothing production, use, and disposal’ uncovers the truth behind fashion’s environmental impact worldwide, as well as highlighting bold initiatives by some of the industry’s sustainable-fashion thought leaders.

4. For the Foodie: Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappé

Nearly five decades since it was written, Frances Moore Lappé’s seminal cookbook promoting veganism continues to draw five-star reviews.

Lappé came out with Diet for a Small Planet in 1971 as a call for the largely meat-eating American household to end its dependence on animal protein.

What sets Lappé’s book apart from other vegan cookbooks is its scientific approach to  getting plant-based eaters to meet their protein requirements, making it a meal planning guide as much as a cookbook.

Whether you’re already vegan or are still toying with the idea of being one, this book is a must-read.


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5. For the Domestic Diva: Sustainable Home: Practical Projects, Tips and Advice for Maintaining a More Eco-Friendly Household by Christine Liu

Dreaming of living in your very own ‘green’ home? Stop dreaming and make that a reality with Christine Liu’s definitive guide to keeping an eco-friendly household.

Sustainable Home comes with 18 doable, easy-to-follow home improvement projects aimed to cut down waste and reduce the carbon footprint of every corner of your home—from the living room, kitchen, bedroom, to the bathroom—and beyond. 

With her conversational tone and practical tips, Liu proves that achieving a sustainable home is indeed within reach.

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6. For the Minimalist: The More of Less by Joshua Becker

We are a generation obsessed with ‘more, more, more.’ And it’s not only wearing us out, it’s taking a toll on our planet too.

In The More of Less, creator Joshua Becker makes a compelling case for living with less to make room for the more important things in life. 

Also a philanthropist, Becker ties his ‘let go of what doesn’t spark joy’ (to borrow from organising guru Mari Kondo) message with the joy of giving. 

Filled with practical advice as well Becker’s own experiences in minimalism and intentional living, The More of Less encourages readers to take back their life by letting go of materialism.


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7. For the Beauty Obsessed: EcoBeauty by Lauren and Janice Cox

Thinking of starting your own sustainable skin care brand? Or maybe you’re interested in all-natural ways to look good? 

Mother-and-daughter duo Janice and Lauren Cox are your go-to source for all things natural and DIY when it comes to pampering your face and body.

EcoBeauty is filled with 100 percent ‘green’ recipes for scrubs, rubs, masks, and bath bombs, using organic, soil-grown, and readily available ingredients. 

8. For the Kid at Heart: The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

Theodore Seuss Geisel—more popularly known as Dr. Seuss—became a household name in children’s literature with his Cat in the Hat series. 

In 1971, Dr. Seuss came out with The Lorax, a critique of the industrial movement disguised as a children’s fable, which also happened to be his favourite among his works. 

In The Lorax, Dr. Seuss injected his familiar flair for rhyme and whimsical imagination into a powerful political piece that criticised the pitfalls of heavy industrialisation and promoted environmental activism. 

An oft-quoted line from the work goes, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

Whether you’re a neophyte or a veteran to the sustainability movement, you’re sure to pick up something useful from these eco-friendly book recommendations. 


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About The Author

May can usually be found reading an eco magazine absorbed in the latest gripping articles on all things eco! May is passionate about the environment. May believes in looking and feeling good whilst living an eco friendly lifestyle. In her spare time she loves cooking, playing her guitar and going for country walks. May lives in the UK and enjoys spending time with friends, family and her two adorable cats.

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